The James White Award is pleased to be able to reveal the names of the six stories that have been shortlisted for this year’s award.
They are:
- A Traveller from an Antique Land
- Chrysanthemum
- Circle
- Invocation of the Lurker
- Solvers
- Train in Vain
At present the anonymous judging process is still taking place and so we are not able to offer the names of the shortlisted authors. We will make those names public closer to the date of the Award ceremony – which we can now confirm will take place on the evening of Saturday, 7 April Sunday 8 April at Olympus, the 2012 Eastercon, Radisson Edwardian Hotel, Heathrow.
Entrants whose stories are not named above should consider their stories released by the competition and feel free to submit them to alternative markets.
The James White Award received a record 246 valid entries this year and the process of whittling the stories down to the final six was very difficult. The competition would like to thank all those who took part and to wish you well in your future writing.