The long-listed stories for this year’s James White Award have been announced. Below are the titles of the stories that made it through the first stage of judging. This year’s award received a record 354 entries, so the authors who made it through to this stage have already seen off some very strong competition.
As the anonymous judging process is still ongoing – the winner will be announced over the Easter holidays at the BSFA Awards – we are not in a position to attach authors’ names to these stories at the moment. However, if your story is not listed here, you should consider it released for submission to other markets.
- Antarctica
- As Close to the Sun
- Augmentation Day
- Let the Bells Ring Out
- Chasing The Sea
- Could You Spare Some Change
- Dead Focused
- Deadly Dance
- DeMille and Me
- Glory Whales
- How I Am Feeling Now
- If Only Kissing Made It So
- Playing Prometheus
- Rock, Paper, Incisors
- Run
- Squared
- (Perhaps The Answer Is) That We Question At All
- The Finders
- The Old Fighting Goose
- Water of Life
- Wreckwalkers
- Zen Garden
The final stage of the judging – picking the winner – is now taking place. The final shortlist will be announced soon.
We are pleased to be able to announce the team of authors judging this year’s competition.