The James White Award is pleased to be able to announce that – thanks to the dedication of our panel of judges (Dave Hutchinson, Gareth L Powell and Stephanie Saulter) the judging for this year’s competition is complete.
The full details of are shortlisted stories are:
“Ideas Machine, Suffolk Street” by Patrick Martin, Dublin
“Midnight Funk Association” by Mack Leonard, Scottsdale, Arizona
“Relics of the All-Legend” by Jedd Cole, Cincinatti, Ohio
“The Simple 12-Step Solution to the 3×3 Hypercube in Minkowski Spacetime” by Jessica Lilien, Brooklyn, New York
“White Fur” by Winnie M Li, London
We are further pleased to be able to confirm, thanks the the BSFA, that we will be in a position to make an announcement as part of the BSFA Award Ceremony at Eastercon tomorrow (Sunday 5 April). News of the winner will be on this website from around 6:00pm BST.